2023 - 42-35-1 Premium Record
+3,425 Based on Wagering $1,000 Per Game
2022 - 176-92-3 Premium Record
+71,895 Based on Wagering $1,000 Per Game
2021 - 189-129-4 Premium Record
+43,950 Based on Wagering $1,000 Per Game
2020 - 174-101-3 Premium Record
+64,000 Based on Wagering $1,000 Per Game
2019 - 189-144-4 Premium Record
+29,720 Based on Wagering $1,000 Per Game
2018 - 122-62-8 Premium Record
+53,800 Based on Wagering $1,000 Per Game
Sports Wagering is a Financial Market.
Premium Plays are released inside of our Daily Package each day (Schedule Permitting) and they are always the top rated games.
A money management program to follow is explained within the Daily Package and the ultimate goal is to win our customers enough money so that they can take advantage of the Syndicate information we offer!
Crawl Before You Walk, Walk Before You Run
No one can win every play or every day. But, if you are patient and manage your finances correctly, you can find success.
The question we are most often asked from potential clients is, “What is your record?" This question shows the inexperience so many players have when it comes to this market. It is probably the single biggest flaw the public bettor has. Here are some scenarios to consider.
We release 4 games. You win all 4 while wagering 200 a game. You're up 800 Dollars. On the 5th game we tell you to wager 1,000 dollars and we lose. You're 4-1 and down 300 dollars. Would any of you actually care that your record is 4-1?
How about this one? We release 2 plays a day in our Daily Promo over the course of a week and we go 7-7 but our Premium Play Record is 6-1. Everyone would be up good money for the week but the 7-7 record wouldn't look impressive to outsiders!
Stop looking at this business in regards to records and percentages and begin looking at it in terms of overall profits because that is all that matters!
VegasExpertsLive.com will show you how you can exploit this market by being smart, patient and most importantly financially disciplined.
If you're ready to start changing your Sports Wagering ways, contact us and let VegasExpertsLive.com show you how to profit off this very beatable market.